Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The WEATHER here is weird! Last Thursday I was outside having a picnic, and since yesterday every thing has been covered in ice. Oklahoma weather is weird! It changes before you can blink. Well, it is starting to melt, and I hope it is gone soon. REALLY SOON! I DON"T LIKE ICE.
It looks like snow, but it is little balls of ice all over that has hardened into one big chunk all over the ground. Sadly, we can't go ice skating on it because it is grainy and not smooth. Maybe it will melt some and then refreeze and then we can go ice skating. Anyway, it is all crazy and weird. Everything has been canceled a closed. I would take pictures, but it it too cold to go outside.
Thanks for listening to my weather rant.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random stuff!

Wow, life is busy!
Well, my life has been a whirlwind of school, band, volleyball, honor bands, more school, birthdays, and just plain LIFE! School has been going great! I LOVE math if you can believe it. :P We got some really cool band music for our spring concert. We are playing a song that we played 3 years ago, but I don't care. Last time we played it I played a 3rd part, but this time I have 1st! It is really awesome! Volleyball has been great! League starts Friday so I'm super excited. I have already done one of the 2 honor bands that usually do. I was really fun. I got 2nd chair, and it was really awesome being one of the lead trumpets. It was probably the best honor band I have been to yet. The next one is coming up in February. I'll have to miss volleyball which I am kinda disappointed, but honor band only comes around once a year. I just recently turned 13, which is really exciting for me. I had a tea party with a bunch a girls I know today. It was a lot of fun. Oh, and I am a aunt again!!! My sister had her 2nd baby this fall!

Isn't she cute!!!! I love her sooooo much! :P :P

Well, that's life for me! What about you? :)
