Thursday, December 10, 2009


Volleyball practice was canceled for tomorrow!!! !! NOOOOO!!! :( :'( >:( >:'( WHAAA!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Yay(!) for:

  • Sticky Note Tabs!
  • Volleyball!
  • Friends!
  • Really Good Friends!
  • Older Friends (like mentors)
  • Score Keeping!
  • Trumpet!
  • Concerts!
  • "Eet" by Regina Spektor!
  • Christmas Music!
  • Phones!
  • Pretty Pen and Pencils!
  • Cold Gyms!
  • Pews piled with: cellphones, coats, purses, waterbottles, and any other random junk!
  • Giggles!
  • "Your"s not "You're"s! :)
  • Petite Piece Concertante!
  • Boots!
  • Queen of the Court!

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's your passion?

The other day was thinking about someone I knew and about their passion. The whole thought process went something like this:

"Their passion is ect.. ect.. and to serve God. What would someone see my passion as? hmm.. Volleyball. Yes, that's my passion."

Then I realized, do people also see a passion in me to serve God? I mean, I didn't even list that at first. Would other people get that impression? Shouldn't that be the first thing they should think of if they were to wonder about my passions? Anyways, I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I aim to make it true that I can list serving God as my top passion over school, sports, music, and everything. Right now I really haven't been doing that. But, I really do want to change. I love GOD with all my heart and know he can do amazing things. Wasn't it just last year that he took me on a scary but meaningful emotional roller coaster on which I almost gave up? Didn't he just show me what amazing things he could do I because I stayed with it and DIDN'T give up? Why should I keep going without casting a glance at what he did? I really need to give him the honor that he deserves and serve him with my WHOLE heart. Not just with what's left after my busy life has been through it. Yes, I can still have volleyball and music as a passion of mine, but I shouldn't put that above everything in my life, especially God. So, would you all pray with me as I try to make this goal become reality in my life?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

WHAT?! I almost forgot a title! I must have titles on my post!

Well, I can see that I didn't leave any of you in suspense after all. Probably 'cause there isn't any of you anyway! Oh well. I guess I can keep posting, and some day maybe someone will run across this blog! Someday over the rainbow and into the pot of gold that is. Anyways.... my trumpet teacher gave me a really cool piece of music to work on. It would tell you the title, but it's French or something or another. Last night I spent about 30 minutes on 4 measures. :-/ Yeah, the piece is pretty hard. But, it is really really really fun!!

Volleyball has been going good! I finally got put on a team! W00t! I got the most awesomest coach ever. (and I don't care if that is an improper sentence!!) Last Thursday ( not thanksgiving) we had a scrimmage against a team in Ada. It was really fun! We won two out of our three games played! We didn't have practice this past Friday, but that's because it was the day after Thanksgiving. I wouldn't have minded going to practice, but I guess other people would have. Anyyeah, we have practice on Friday, and I can't wait!!!! :D

Ok, what other randomness can I pull from my life to tell you? Um.. I'm not a real fan of Biology at the moment. History is actually ok at the moment. MATH IS TOTALLY AWESOME! Spanish is fun. :) Okay, that is really boring randomness. Hmm.. what is interesting? OOH!! I know!! I GOT A really cute pair of boots!! MY daddy bought then for me!!! YAY!!

Oh, and did I ever say anything about my Arban?! I don't think so! Agghh! Such horribleness of me!! Ok, I will show you a picture! Look and behold: THE ARBAN!

Ok, basically this is the must have book for all trumpet players. It is also referred to as "The Trumpet Bible." It is a really awesome book, except for a the little songs that are in the key of Bb. Some reason I don't like playing anything that is in the key of Bb. Crazy eh?

Oh, did I tell you I got a perm? No? Yes? You sure aren't very responsive right now. I don't have a picture right now, so you DON'T get to see it! :-? Maybe next post. Anyway, I really really like it! :) It may seem strange, but it is easier to manage than straight hair.

Hmmm.. I'm racking my brain to think of anything else that could be said here. Um.. we might put up our CHRISTmas decor this weekend. Nah, that's too boring to talk about on a blog.

Have you head the song Fireflies by Owl City? I like it! It's pretty funnny. Also, I like starting new paragraphs when I have absolutely no reason to start one! It's kinda fun. Plus, I think it is a little easier to read when everything is broken up. I strongly dislike it when someones hunkin' long post is not broken up. I always get lost and give up on reading it. Have you ever had that happen to you? Well, I guess since there really isn't much of a you, you wouldn't know. How sad. :( I think I'm gonna cry! Ok, no. I'm just kidding!

I think I need to find a new template for my blog. This one is kinda hard to read on. But, I don't think I have time to find one. Plus I never like any of the ones that all those websites have. They are either too blah or too BLINGGGG! in your face! Maybe I should go for the whole BLINGGG! in your face! thing. No.. don't think I could bring myself to do that!

Okay, I guess I should stop rambling on.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Honor Band Results

So, I told you I was trying out for OBU honor band, and I guess you're wondering who I did. Maybe I won't tell you. I think I just leave you all in suspense. :) Okay.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is here for you to read!

I guess it's about time I post! Wow.. all I can say right now is that I'm very busy! Yep, school has chased much of my spare time away. Even thought I'm technically only in 8th grade, I'm doing a couple HS course. I'm going to have to devote more time to study in my biology. Blah. I really enjoyed physical science last year, but bio, EWW! Grammar/writing is ok. I don't really like HisStory. But, MATH is awesome! Yay! I always love math. So, enough about school!

Volleyball has be awesome! Friday (which is when we have practice) is my favorite day of the week! I still haven't been put on a team yet, but I think I will be on the intermediate or the beginner high. I really hope that I don't get placed on the intermediate team. Last year I was on the beginner low, and I don't think I'm ready to handle all the action and stress! Plus, one of my favoritest (don't think that is a word, but I don't care!) older person is coaching the beginner high! I really really really really love her coaching. She is totally awesome anyway! :D We are scrimmaging Wolfpack this next Friday which is exciting. I know a couple people from my church who play on that team.

Anyways..... I guess I talk about my trumpet next. I started taking lessons this fall, and those have been really really awesome! I really like my teacher! I'm auditioning for an honorband at OBU tomorrow! I can't wait! I'm not doing band anymore, but it's ok. It was toooo much, and I didn't have time for it. So, I get my Tuesdays back for school! Yay!

Hmm.. what other aspects of my life would interest you all? I've started atentting my church Wednesday night classes. We hadn't been going because our church is about an hour away, but we are now. Mom, Matt, and I are also playing in the orchestra. That can prove to be very interesting. We are playing in a Christmas Cantata... it's cool. I'm trying to get more ivolved in my church. It's kinda hard because we live an hour away, and I'm not a really outgoing person with strangers.

Well.. this is the longest post I've written in a looooooong time. How silly of me!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is anybody out there?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Instead if volleyball starting in September, it started last Friday!!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally excited, and can't wait til I get to see who is my team! Anyway, that's all I have say. Oh, and my friend that I was trying to get to do vb is going to do it!! Ahh.. life is good.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wha ya hee ahh!

Ello Peoples!

This is Ellen. Yes, that crazy insane girls that never posts on her blog.
So, what's up with you? I'm ready for school to start! Yay! We start on the 17th of Aug. Sadly, volleyball doesn't start til sometime in Sep. :( I'm trying to convince one of my best friends to do it, but she doesn't really want to. :( Anyway.... I can't think of anything else to say. Isn't that a problem.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I thought I might tell you all about a really cool website my mom found.
It is
Basically, it is a search engine that you would use just like yahoo or google. BUT, sometimes you will win a swagbuck when you search. With swagbucks, you can get all types of cool stuff! My mom got a $5 amazon gift card in 12 day. Wow! Anyway, it is really awesome!
If you want to sign up, please use this link
(I will earn some swagbucks if you signup under me)

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The school year is flying by fast! We only have like 10 weeks left!
Sadly, volleyball is going to end sooner than that. :( Volleyball has been pretty awesome this year even though my team isn't doing very well. I've gotten to alternate for the team above me a bunch, which is really fun. Tomorrow at league, I have 4 matches. I would only have 2, but I am alternating again so I have 4! That is like 4 hours worth of Volleyball! It is going to be a long day!
Tomorrow is the last day of league, and in a couple a weeks, we have tournament. Then after that, we have no more volleyball until next year. Whaa! :(

Here is a picture of me serving.
It is bury, but I messed with the colors and I think it looks cool.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The WEATHER here is weird! Last Thursday I was outside having a picnic, and since yesterday every thing has been covered in ice. Oklahoma weather is weird! It changes before you can blink. Well, it is starting to melt, and I hope it is gone soon. REALLY SOON! I DON"T LIKE ICE.
It looks like snow, but it is little balls of ice all over that has hardened into one big chunk all over the ground. Sadly, we can't go ice skating on it because it is grainy and not smooth. Maybe it will melt some and then refreeze and then we can go ice skating. Anyway, it is all crazy and weird. Everything has been canceled a closed. I would take pictures, but it it too cold to go outside.
Thanks for listening to my weather rant.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random stuff!

Wow, life is busy!
Well, my life has been a whirlwind of school, band, volleyball, honor bands, more school, birthdays, and just plain LIFE! School has been going great! I LOVE math if you can believe it. :P We got some really cool band music for our spring concert. We are playing a song that we played 3 years ago, but I don't care. Last time we played it I played a 3rd part, but this time I have 1st! It is really awesome! Volleyball has been great! League starts Friday so I'm super excited. I have already done one of the 2 honor bands that usually do. I was really fun. I got 2nd chair, and it was really awesome being one of the lead trumpets. It was probably the best honor band I have been to yet. The next one is coming up in February. I'll have to miss volleyball which I am kinda disappointed, but honor band only comes around once a year. I just recently turned 13, which is really exciting for me. I had a tea party with a bunch a girls I know today. It was a lot of fun. Oh, and I am a aunt again!!! My sister had her 2nd baby this fall!

Isn't she cute!!!! I love her sooooo much! :P :P

Well, that's life for me! What about you? :)
